Our Beginning: Meet Sami & Dara
Dara Blumenthal and Sami Badawy met as peers along the spiritual path. They were initiallyĀ introducedĀ in 2018 and immediately connected over spirituality. However, it wasn't until 2020 that their deeper path together started to reveal itself. At this time, they were each rooted in and as unconditional love, a wholeness within themselves, which served as the burgeoning context for their deeper connection as friends, collaborators, and life partners.
Meeting in this unique context as adults -- without a sense of lack and not needing an other, nor a relationship to satisfy the ego's needs for safety and security -- paved the way for their shared views on healing and collective awakening to take centerstage.Ā They each felt called to anchoring and enliveningĀ a field of compassionate wisdom with which to serve humanity several generations into the future. This collective field would enable each person who found themselves called to participate, to be reflected back to themselves by a whole and clear mirror; by fully being seen and known by another, one can fully come to know themselves - the essence of who and what we truly are.Ā
After, many years of walking individually, and four years of walking, talking, and learning together, The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth,Ā was born as an expression of their love and shared vision for humanity. May we all wake up to our true, unitive nature. May we all know wholeness, peace, and liberation directly.
The Sun, The Moon, and the Truth was created primarily as a place where Sami and Dara can share what they have each come to know directly about the nature of human connection, Consciousness, and the incredible potential that lies beyond the illusion of separation. They each offer a unique set of approaches to different aspects of the path of healing and awakening, while rooted in a shared field of collective potential.