Support The Sun, The Moon, & The Truth

In a world undergoing profound societal transformation, we believe that liberation is more than a dream—it is an imperative for the survival of the human species.

This vision cannot flourish alone. It grows in strength through each of us rising together in a spirit of collective awakening—where every individual’s liberation is crucial to the whole.

At the heart of our mission lies a 500-year vision. In order to build towards that, we seek to:

  1. Share a series of teachings for healing and awakening to those who are called to our approach.
  2. Train others in our approach, such that they can support those in their network, along their own healing and awakening processes.
  3. Preserve these teachings through training, education, and documentation for many generations to come.

Your support is vital to our growth. Every contribution helps expand our capacity to create more opportunities for collective healing and transformation, offering training, resources, and spaces where all people can thrive.

Now, more than ever, we are called to show up for one another and help build the world we know is possible. Join us in this mission. Together, we can ignite a movement of liberation—one rooted in love, peace, and the power of collective liberation.

Your donation makes this vision a reality.

May all be free.

Donate Now

The Sun, The Moon, and the Truth is a public charity licensed in the state of Connecticut. We are currently in the process of applying for 501(c)(3) tax exemption status and our EIN is 99-3859046. 501(c)(3) recognition is effective retroactively to the organization’s legal formation in 2024. This means that the organization’s donations received post 2024 are retroactively tax-deductible to the donor. Please join our email list to stay up to date on our progress towards 501(c)(3) status and talk to your tax professional about deductions.